How did you become part of this film project?
I was reading through my monthly issue of Curve magazine and came across
an article about Pam and Juliet, the upcoming movie, and Pam’s desire
to start a production company here in Colorado Springs. As soon as I read
the article, I knew I needed to get involved. As luck would have it, within
a week or so I found myself at a celebration dinner sitting next to Tree,
who portrays Diane in the film. The conversation found it’s way
to Camille’s Magic and I asked Tree if the production had a still
photographer. The next day I got a call to join the production.
Why did you get involved?
A film about lesbians set in Colorado Springs….A film by lesbians
from Colorado Springs…how could I resist.
What is your day job?
I am a self-employed professional photographer here in Colorado Springs.
I specialize in travel, sports, and lifestyle photography for the editorial
and corporate markets.
Have you always been interested in filmmaking?
Please explain.
I have always a thought it would be fun to be a still photographer on
set but I didn’t really start getting interested in filmmaking until
a few years ago. Over the last few years I have become increasingly interested
in cinematography. I suppose it’s a logical progression.
What is your favorite movie and why?
I don’t think I could name just one. There are so many movies I
enjoy, from slapstick comedies to the epic films. I think the first film
I watched that really made me say, “wow” was Out of Africa.
It was the first movie I had seen that brought all aspects of the film
together in such a fantastic way…visually stunning, fabulous acting,
and great sound. Most recently one of my favorite films has been O Brother
Where Art Thou. I am not a huge fan of George Clooney but the story/writing
was great and every frame of that film could have stood alone as a still
What do you hope to gain from this experience?
I hope to learn as much about the film making process as I can while helping
to make this movie a success.