Want To Live To 85? Stay Trim  by Lindsay Tanner

Obesity Linked To Sleep Loss Again

Slower Breathing May Lower Blood Pressure By LAURAN NEERGAARD

Train Low to Get Low: 3 Exercises to Increase Your Agility Below the Heat. by Rich Meyer, CSCS, USAW

On Mandatory Fitness Tests By J.R. GONZALES

Early Morning (Insanity?) Training by Jim Duggan

Sleep loss may equal weight gain
( By Nanci Hellmich, USA TODAY
A study has not been done, but this article may have implications for firefighters who often struggle with weight gain.

How I cut 29 seconds of my
Firefighter Combat Challenge Time

by Anita Horsley

Cardiovascular Risks of Wildland Firefighting
by Brian J. Sharkey, Ph.D

Entrapment Fatality Trends

Fitness Behind The Badge
by Chief John Kachanuk
by Chief John Kachanuk

Juliet Draper's Sample Diet and Nutrition Philosophy
by Pam Jones and Juliet Draper

Kevin Tjelle's Training Philosophy by Kevin Tjelle

Smaller Firefighter Candidates

Competition Training

Pre - season Training
by Juliet Draper

NFPA - Firefighter Fatality in the United States 2002 Report

Become "Firefighter fitness in action" by taking the time to share your stories with other firefighters interested in being FIREJOCKS.

Article Submission Policy
1. Format: Submit articles through email

2. Type: Please use single space, 10-point typeface one-inch margins on both sides.

3. Length: 750 words

4. Include color photographs of high-resolution jpegs or send photos to Firejock, PO Box 6187, Colorado Springs, CO 80934. Make captions or descriptions of what is taking place in the photo. Keep a copy of all of your material.

5. Include Contact Information: Name, address and fire department affiliation, position

6. Please include email address and your phone # if we have any questions.

7. For story ideas, questions, hints, tips, etc., email speakto@firejock.com

8. Confirm in writing that the story is original and/or give credit where credit is due.